City of Orlando use Pentana Risk to manage performance across multiple City departments
The City of Orlando, located in Central Florida, operates a ‘strong mayor’ form of government and employs 3,172 staff to provide municipal services to over 230,000 citizens. The City went live with Pentana Risk in late 2008 following a competitive bidding process involving all the leading vendors.
City of Orlando is now managing over 1,150 performance measures on Pentana Risk across multiple departments, notably Economic Development, Transportation, Fire, Police and Public Works. Over 50% of the 120 licensed users on the system log in at least once a month, with a growing number of more frequent users, including a few who visit daily.
Each user has a folder in Reports Central where they can access personalised reports for their areas of responsibility.
- Pentana Risk Action Central to tracking of key milestones relating to quasi-judicial hearings, plats and ordinance actions
- Pentana Risk Scorecards to monitor achievement of department's five operational goals, with specified performance indicators aligned to each
- Pentana Risk Snapshots to track progress on both Actions and Ensures non-conformities can be raised against non-compliant areas with audits for every area, including patient surveys
- Pentana Risk is also used to assure quality and safety in approaches such as clinical governance and disciplines including laboratory medicine, oncology and pharmacy, as well as wherever compliance is required