NHS Blood and Transplant benefit from organisation-wide QMS and national document control system
In 1997, NHSBT, known then as the National Blood Service, required a software solution which would help them manage quality records for the organisation electronically. This was driven by the ever-increasing demands of regulatory bodies such as MHRA, against GMP and the EU Blood Directive. As such, finding a solution was fundamental if they were to achieve, maintain and demonstrate compliance to regulatory standards and practices. There was a need to have one centralised, electronic system which would not only help the National Blood Service fulfil its mandatory obligations, but would also help drive performance improvement.
- Development of national document control system
- All UK-sites working with the same system
- Working to budget, helping to keep the blood collection process efficient and low cost
- No paper-based incident reporting – all electronic
- Trend review and root cause analysis leads to organisational learning and improvement opportunities